Boy golly! I just realized that there will be more than a handful of comics featuring my work coming out in the next few months. So here’s a quick rundown!
I drew two stories in this comic! One stars Redwing, the Falcon’s pal, written by Joe Caramagna. The other is written by ME and stars Aunt May’s little dog Ms. Lion. Scheduled for release February 10.
Girl Comics #3
Each of the three issues of this anthology created, edited, and produced entirely by women will have an introduction written and drawn by me! The second issue will feature a story written by Kathryn Immonen with me on art duty. Issue #1 scheduled for release March 3, issue #2 April 7. Issue #3 not yet announced.
This new Power Pack mini series will have a four-part backup story written and drawn by me, starring the Pack and possibly the most inappropriate babysitter in the Marvel Universe, the Lion of Olympus, Hercules! First issue scheduled for release April 7.