Gingerbread Girl

gingerbread_girl_cover_sm_lgThere are plenty of established facts concerning 26-year-old Annah Billips. She likes sushi and mountains, but hates paper cuts and beer breath. She dates girls and boys, and loves to travel. She may have a missing sister, or she might be insane. Did Annah invent an imaginary sister named Ginger during her parents’ ferocious divorce, or did her mad scientist father extract part of her brain and transform it into a living twin? In this graphic novel, a host of narrators including boyfriends, girlfriends, magicians, pigeons, bulldogs, and convenience store clerks follow Annah through a night in her life in an attempt to determine that one last fact about Annah…and the Gingerbread Girl.

Written by Paul Tobin, art by Colleen Coover.


The talents of artist Colleen Coover and writer Paul Tobin create this delightful exploration into the life of a mysterious young woman, Annah Billips, as she struggles with issues of self and inner self.” –Comics Grinder

“Gingerbread Girl is funny and warm-hearted. It’s a little bit romantic but a lot bit just plain human.” –Good OK Bad


ComiXology (digital edition)

Things From Another World

Amazon | Amazon UK
